Technology Services

CIBS offers a complete suite of Cloud-based Technology Services to help protect your business and ensure your day-to-day operations are not impacted by malicious Internet activity.

This includes complete Network Monitoring and Management. Our global “follow the sun” team is active monitoring your networks and servers to ensure your hardware and software issues are identified and resolved within our Business Service Level Agreement (SLA).

In addition, CIBS performs Risk Assessment and Identifies Vulnerabilities through our suite of Cyber Security software. Identifying trends and other analytics to proactively protect your company, it’s employees and company resources.

CIBS also offers complete Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection. Prevent your company’s servers or network devices from being compromised with a DDoS attack. These attacks can focus on a specific network resource and take the system down. With our DDoS Mitigation software, you can avoid downtime due to DDoS attacks.